Our ESS, CERN, Uppsala University,
Autostrade per l’Italia, RAI, RAI Isoradio...
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Uppsala Project

Angine, osteoporosis and cancer,
might be cured also with ITELCO’s technology

The European Spallation Source (ESS) will be a new generation of protons linear accellerator providing neutron beams up to 30 times brighter than any current neutron source.

This new Pan European laboratory will help to discover and develop new materials with applications in manufacturing, pharmaceutical drugs, aerospace, engines, plastics, energy, telecommunications, transportation, information technology and biotechnology.

FREIA project at Uppsala University performs testing for ESS hardware elements.

In last July 2015 Itelco installed the 400 kW pulsed tetrode amplifier representing the RF power source for the Spoke Cavity (superconducting).

Today Itelco’s scientific department is leader on the market: in first line for the ESS future upgrades and also involved in projects with CERN and Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy).

Italian Highways

Higher safety with Itelco’s FM transmitters.

Transmitters installation and commissioning for
the Italian Highway Advisory Radio are still in progress.

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